Friday 24 May 2013

Test Link Setup in Windows 7 in simple steps

Testlink is an open-source management tool which includes test specification, planning, reporting, requirements tracking and collaborate with well-known bug trackers.

System Requirements:

• MySQL 4.1.x and higher
• php 4.3.x and higher
• Webserver (Apache 1.3.x or 2.0.x and higher, IIS 3 and higher, etc.)


1. Download XAMPP for windows here. Latest version of xampp includes the following, one package that caters to the system requirements of Testlink.
•           Apache 2.2.21
•           MySQL 5.5.16
•           PHP 5.3.8
•           phpMyAdmin 3.4.5
•           FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.39
•           Tomcat 7.0.21
2. Double click xampp-installer.exe to start installation. From the installation wizard, under Service Section, install Apache, MYSQL, Filezilla as service
3. Select Testlink version to dowload here
4. Unzip testlink.tar file to your desired folder
5. Rename the folder to ‘testlink’ and copy it to your \xampp\htdocs folder (e.g. C:\xampp\htdocs\)
6. In your browser access http://localhost/testlink/install/index.php
7. Select New Installation
8. Provide Testlink admin and Database admin login creadentials
Testlink admin login/password – admin/admin (or whatever login/password you like)
Database admin login/password – root/<empty> (this is the default login/password of MYSQL for xampp)
9. After completing the installation, you can now access http://localhost/testlink/login.php and start using Testlink by logging in as admin/admin or creating a new user